4-6 Poplar Court, Union Street
Bridgtown, Cannock
Staffordshire WS11 3BY
Phone: 44(0) 1543 504543
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Many people in the world of CAD and Graphics search the WEB for that perfect Raster to Vector conversion software, but as yet have not found a package that achieves there expectations. The normal scenario with a vectorisation program is for the operator to get really excited that no longer will he have to do any manual CAD work and can spend the days swinging on his chair, drinking tea or coffee. This is not normally the case. What can really happen is that the operator does his first test conversion of the raster image and finds that the results are far from perfect. The operator then spends much time altering settings, trying to achieve the unachievable, by this time much time has gone by. The user may as well redraw the image manually, sounds familiar hey ?. Please read on, especially if you are getting poor results from your raster to vector software or new to the world of vectorisation